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From Wangaratta to The Hill: A Boarding Family Legacy

Image of mother and sons smiling camera
Alison and her sons, Harry and Edward, who are in boarding at ÁñÁ«³ÉÈËappÏÂÔØ.

For Alison and her sons, Harry and Edward, boarding at ÁñÁ«³ÉÈËappÏÂÔØ College on The Hill has been a profound journey, intertwined with their family history. The family, from Wangaratta, chose ÁñÁ«³ÉÈËappÏÂÔØ not only for its greater academic and extra-curricular opportunities but to honour the legacy of their late husband and father, Tom. ‘Tom absolutely loved his time boarding at ÁñÁ«³ÉÈËappÏÂÔØ,’ says Alison, ‘I think it may have been during the first year of Harry and Edward’s lives, Tom put their names down at ÁñÁ«³ÉÈËappÏÂÔØ.’

Living more than three hours away from Melbourne, the decision wasn’t easy. ‘There are good schools in Wangaratta, but I knew Tom wanted the boys to go to ÁñÁ«³ÉÈËappÏÂÔØ,’ Alison explains. ‘Harry grew up paging through the Great Scot magazine, when it arrived in the mail, dreaming of going to ÁñÁ«³ÉÈËappÏÂÔØ and the opportunities there for him.’

Harry, now in Year 12, is immensely grateful for his education. ‘If I was not at ÁñÁ«³ÉÈËappÏÂÔØ, I feel that my path in life would be considerably different… I don’t think I would know myself as well as I do now.

‘I have become more independent than I otherwise would and have lifelong friends that you don’t get at just any other school.’

Edward, in Year 9, having only recently begun his boarding journey, was apprehensive before starting but quickly found his feet. ‘I was nervous the week before starting, but making friends in the boarding house helped me settle in, and having my brother here has helped a lot,’ he says.

Harry and Edward both feel a deep sense of belonging at ÁñÁ«³ÉÈËappÏÂÔØ. They value the simple daily routines of boarding, sharing breakfast with friends before school, the close relationships with staff and peers from various year levels, different towns around Australia and countries all around the world, and the breadth of opportunities and support available to all students who call ÁñÁ«³ÉÈËappÏÂÔØ home.

Reflecting on the broader ÁñÁ«³ÉÈËappÏÂÔØ community – alumni, parents and staff – Alison says, ‘the boys have gained a second family here.

‘Tom’s friends from ÁñÁ«³ÉÈËappÏÂÔØ keep in touch with me and say hello to the boys if they see them at school, sharing memories and offering support.

‘Edward was just one year old when Tom passed away, but now, for the first time, he has a connection to his father that he never knew.’

Looking back, Alison sees immense growth in her sons personally and academically, ‘The boys are immersed in a first-class learning environment which extends well beyond the classrooms.

‘Within the first few weeks, Edward was getting help from older students with his Maths, and there are always teachers available for extra tutoring in the evenings.

‘ÁñÁ«³ÉÈËappÏÂÔØ has given my boys confidence, independence, and lifelong connections. They are thriving and growing into fine young men.’

For Alison, Harry and Edward the boarding experience at ÁñÁ«³ÉÈËappÏÂÔØ College has been more than just an education—it has been a journey of personal growth, community, and honouring a cherished family legacy.

Learn more about Boarding at ÁñÁ«³ÉÈËappÏÂÔØ College in Melbourne.

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